Greg Williams of the Tampa Tribune has created his own lost and found project. Read his article HERE.
Greg found people who only possessed one photograph of an acquaintance. Read their stories by clicking on the names below.
Greg mentions my project in the article. He also writes of my grandmother's story which is on the left side of the screen along with the other stories called in. Here it is if you haven't heard it.
My grandmother was my first caller. I was testing the whole voice mail system and knew my grandmother had a story. I asked her to call it in. She did. What was important about her telling (besides the story) is that when I heard it, I felt that she wasn't telling me the story. . . She was telling it to a much larger audience. That was important. I wanted the calls to be for visitors of the site. . . not for me. I also believe (as many have written about) that telling stories and having them heard is a positive experience for many. I know that it has been for my grandmother.
One of the tricky (yet important) things about this project is the anonymous nature of the recordings on this site. There are no names. Just stories. I will be writing more about this in the future.
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