There are a number of stories of lost & found cameras on I created a list of cities on the left side (scroll down) with links to "lost & found cameras." While people describe the cameras (most are digital), many are more interested in getting the memory card back.
"lost my digital camera around the 15th of january if you found a kodak silver camera please let me know it has a memory card in it and i would really apreciate it if i could get it back please"
"Lost Olympus camera in Atlanta airport. Contains 500 pictures from vacation in Italy. Would just like the memory card back, please. Reward offered.."
"If stolen, please return SD card (have a heart)"
Some describe the photos on the camera for identity purposes:
"You can tell its mine when you look at all the saved photos, there will be tons and tons of pictures of tarantulas, scorpions and so on."
I lost my Sony Cyber Shot camera along with a white Ipod in a black Sony camera case 1 week ago on a bus from Germany to Eindhoven or on a bus from Eindhoven to Amsterdam(Netherlands) On the camera there are pictures of the Glen Cove MArina, family pics and a lot of pics from my trip to Ireland w/ my boyfriend PLEASE contact me if found [email protected]
Posted by: Deirdre Cahill | February 23, 2008 at 03:23 PM
I lost my Sony Cyber Shot camera along with a white Ipod in a black Sony camera case 1 week ago on a bus from Germany to Eindhoven or on a bus from Eindhoven to Amsterdam(Netherlands) On the camera there are pictures of the Glen Cove MArina, family pics and a lot of pics from my trip to Ireland w/ my boyfriend PLEASE contact me if found [email protected]
Posted by: Deirdre Cahill | February 23, 2008 at 03:24 PM
Lost my new Canon IXUS 960 in Wellington, New Zealand, in the early hours of 29 March 08 ......most likely left in a taxi cab (Capital Cabs). The cab co are unable to trace the camera, if you have picked it up please contact me at [email protected]. All my hol pics of North Island are on the memory card. Thanks.
Posted by: Sandra | March 29, 2008 at 06:35 PM
Lauren Schulz lost a black Sony Cybershot W90 camera on her class trip in Washington DC on May 9, 2008. Please email [email protected]. Reward offered. Thank you.
Posted by: Lauren Schulz | May 13, 2008 at 07:27 PM
I lost my cannon digital camera in paris on the 2nd of may it contains photos of me and my friend vacationing in paris please let me no if you find the camera the photos are very dear to me
Posted by: Kaveh | May 14, 2008 at 02:56 AM
Camera lost in Portofino Italy about 2.30pm on 26th May. Photos of wedding we had attended on 24th May on it. Also photos from Budapest were on the card before the wedding. Not worried about getting camera back - just the SD card. [email protected] if you have any info please.
Posted by: Val | May 28, 2008 at 04:06 PM
I lost a Canon Powershot SD 1000 snapshot camera in a blue case on an Lufthansa airplane( travelling from Frankfort, Germany to Paris, France on May 26, 2008. It is possible that it was dropped in the airport of either Frankfort, Germany or Paris (Charles Degualle). It is mostly pictures of our family of 3, etc. of pictures taken in Israel. The pictures are keepsakes. willing to pay a fee for its return.Please contact: Dr.Morton Wintner, 116 Vanderbilt Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15243 USA; Phone; 412-276-3534 or 412-264-5755. Many thanks in advance for your help.
Posted by: morton wintner | June 01, 2008 at 12:48 PM
I left my Silver Canon digital camera in a black bag on an Air-Tran airplane when I got off at the Indianapolis airport on January 31st, 2008. There was a 2 GB SD card in the camera with all my vacation photos from Sea World, Orlando and our cruise to the Bahamas. I contacted the airline but was told it was not found on the plane and was not turned in. I would be happy to get my camera back but really want my pictures most since they can not be replaced.
Posted by: Lori Siglin | June 02, 2008 at 01:16 PM
I cannot even remember what is on my camera...except my son. He is the star, curly blonde locks and my house has green walls. I have brown hair and my I think I might have my dad on it as and gray hair, always smiling. I live in Jacksonville, Florida and would love to have them back. It is our only source of memories. It is a sony cybershot, little guy, that I can't remember or find the instructions to camera...a something 370, or a 350 or something like that.....
Posted by: lyndzee | June 04, 2008 at 11:00 PM
I lost my OLYMPUS FE 280 camera in San Antonio on Ross parking
It was on May 25, 2008
If you know something about please contact me [email protected]
I just want the photos.. photos of me and my boyfriend in River Walk and Six flags
Posted by: Liza | June 06, 2008 at 05:06 PM
Lost Sony Cybershot camera and Panasonic video camera on Yellow Van Airport Shuttle from Paris to Charles de Gualle airport 10:00am 6/22/08. Large Reward given for the memory card in the camera. Please return. [email protected]
Posted by: Karen Seiberlich | June 23, 2008 at 02:20 PM
I have lost my pink fuji film camera. I stopped in Florence, Alabama at McDonalds to eat and i believe it fell out of the car. It has many memorable picures on it such as a skii trip, a couple graduations i attended, and a church camp i was returning from that day. I lost it on Friday, June 21st. These pictures cannont be replaced, and i had just bought the camera in April. Please contact me at [email protected] if you have any information. I'd greatly appreciate it!
Posted by: Sarah Barnes | June 23, 2008 at 05:21 PM
I lost my silver Sony cybershot 5.1 megapixel Dsc-T7 on my chicago trip on may 28,2008. Last picture was shot at buckingham fountain,then took a flash cab,3074 to navy pier. Cab unable to trace it. Camera was in a black pouch with money it. If anyone has come across, pl. come forward as we've pic of a lovely indian family. I just want the memory stick back at least to download the pic. not worried about money only the memories. god bless if u seen it. There are picture taken in greenfield village, chicago downtown, great wolf lodge. will be rewarded !! Thanks
Posted by: shafi | June 24, 2008 at 01:36 AM
we lost our pink hp camera in Berlin on July 2,2008. We left the camera on a bench next to the Reichstag. All what we want is the memory stick. Please keep the camera or receive a cash reward.
Please send a description of photos for proof to [email protected]
Posted by: betty heise | July 05, 2008 at 04:52 AM
I lost my black, Nikon S550 with I think a MAX 2 memory card in it. I f you found it, it was probly in a black case. It has pictures of my blonde puppy, grey/tan cat and some other things that I don't remember. I lost it in northern Ohio at around February 20. If you found this camera please notify me. My E-Mail adress is [email protected]
Posted by: Austin Freeman | July 07, 2008 at 06:12 PM
We lost our pink Casio EX-Z1050 camera in Berlin on July 2,2008. We left the camera on a bench next to the Reichstag. All what we want is the memory stick. Please keep the camera or receive a cash reward.
Please send a description of photos for proof to [email protected]
Wir haben usere Kamera, eine Rosa Casio EX-Z1050 auf einer Park Bank bei den Reichstag in Berlin liegen lassen. Wir moechten gerne den Memory Stick zurueck haben. In die Kamera sind wir nicht interesiert. Bitte schicken sie eine Beschreibung der fotos nach
[email protected]
Posted by: Betty Heise | July 09, 2008 at 10:49 PM
I lost my nondigital camera at the Obama/Clinton rally in Unity, N.H. It contained my only grandchild's high school graduation pix. Email me at [email protected].
Posted by: Carolyn | July 23, 2008 at 04:18 PM
I lost my Olympus digital camera on airtran flight 1691 on july 27, 2008. I was sitting in seat 10F. If you found the camnera, please return it to me, or atleast the memory cards. A reward will be offered. Email address is [email protected]
Posted by: Divya A Pralel | July 30, 2008 at 01:55 AM
I lost my Canon Power Shot SD750 either on the plane from Raleigh to Dallas or Dallas to Sacramento on July 27th. It was in a black camera case with the charger and some small pictures of some girls and a golden retriever. The camera card has some very special pictures from my best friend's wedding and will be happy just to get the card back. Please email me if you have found it. Thank you. [email protected]
Posted by: Meredith | August 01, 2008 at 11:51 PM
Lost Sony Cybershot Digital Camera in gray case in Paris taxi on Friday, August 1, 2008 at approximately 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Taxi passengers were two adult men and three small boys (ages 4,4,2) who took the taxi (Toyota Avensis model) from the Gallery Lafayette in Paris, France to the Hotel Le Meridian Etoile in Paris. Taxi driver was French man approx age around 50 years old. Camera case contains camera, spare battery, several spare memory cards. Camera has pictures from 3 weeks holiday in Italy (Lakes, Venice, Rome, Tuscany, Amalfi and also Paris). Reward of $1000 dollars or euros is offered. Please return our precious family photos.
Posted by: KNavarro | August 04, 2008 at 11:40 PM
Posted by: SARAH WALLACE | August 05, 2008 at 11:45 PM
I lost my silver Nikon digital camera on the night of September 13, 2008 somewhere in or near Fenway Park after the Red Sox Game. There are photos of ourselves, pets, and our entire Boston vacation on the memory card. I am absolutely heartbroken to have lost all these photos from such a special weekend. All I care about is the memory card and/or the photos that were on it. If found, please contact me at [email protected]
Posted by: Julia | September 16, 2008 at 03:21 PM
I left my camera CANON PowerShot S1 IS in a taxi (black color model with nice driver) on the back seat on the 31st of August, 2008 (about 10.00pm). I was with a hight holland man, we were speaking English and got out or the car in Red light district.
There were about 300 pictures of me (russian girl) made in Berlin, London and Amsterdam few days ago. I will appreciate if u could give my memory card back with pictures which are so important for me!!! I still hope that there are kind people in the world!!! Brgds, Oxana
Posted by: Oxana | September 18, 2008 at 06:57 AM
Lost my digital camera in las Vegas in 11th september 2008. It is a Canon IXUS 960, and I lost in a taxi between Treasure Island Hotel and Stratosphere. Reward will be given. We only would like to recover our photos. Tere are photos of our honey moon in San Francisco, Las Vegas and Gran Canyon. Thank you very much.
Posted by: Victor | September 25, 2008 at 03:59 AM
I Lost my black Sony digital camera at Koufonissi Island in Greece with personal photos in August 2008. Please if you have found it I want only the memory stick. Thank you!
[email protected]
Posted by: George | October 02, 2008 at 09:59 AM
Hi, I lost my canon G9 powershot in cancun on 9/16. It has my bridal shower batchroette party and honeymoon pic's. I will give reward. We just want the card back. Please email me with any info [email protected]
Posted by: Hope A. | October 08, 2008 at 06:02 PM
Lost my Cannon digital camera Sure Shot in Tarrytown, NY or Monterverde, NY - has pictures of my parents holding hands right before my mother passed away and subsequently my father 7 weeks later - I am devastated - I could care less about the camera I just want the memory card There are also photos of my daughters first communion
Posted by: Erin O. Kirchner | October 23, 2008 at 12:22 PM
Lost Sony Digital Video Camera. Lost in Amsterdam on Oct. 17 08 in the evening. Reward for safe return. This cam was in a black shoulder bag with the name STORM on the bag (Storm is the brand of bag).
Posted by: Chad | October 24, 2008 at 10:29 AM
Lost silver Sony Cybershot camera in taxi in Munich on November 6th at 10:30 going from Augustiner Kellar to Hofbraeuhaus. The camera contained the only copies of my wedding and honeymoon photos. I am absolutely devastated by its loss.
Please return the memory card (you can keep the damn camera!!!) and receive a serious reward, worth much more than the camera. Please have a heart and do the right thing.
Wir haben eine silberne Sony Cybershot Digitalkamera im Taxi vor dem Hofbraeuhaus am 06.11.2008 gegen 22:30 Uhr verloren. Auf der Kamera sind unsere Hochzeits- und Flitterwochenfotos, die einfach
unersaetzlich fuer uns sind. Es sind unsere einzigen Exemplare und wir waeren am Boden zerstoert, wenn sie fuer immer verloren waeren! Es ist wirklich sehr wichtig, dass wir die Kamera wieder bekommen. Eine betraechtliche Belohnung gibt es auch! Bitte kontaktiert uns ueber [email protected], wenn Ihr uns helfen koennt oder irgendwelche darueber Informationen habt.
Email: [email protected]
Posted by: Perlgrau | November 24, 2008 at 04:13 PM
Posted by: DOREEN | November 28, 2008 at 01:39 AM
I lost my fuji S2000hd on united flight 75 At honolulu international airport on December 2 2008. It has irreplaceable pictures of my great-grandfather and other family pictures that can never be replaced. I would like to have it back, even if i don't get the camera back i would reallllyyy like to have the memory card back.
[email protected]
Posted by: Kyle Vara | December 04, 2008 at 01:16 AM
Hi All,
I lost my Canon SD1100IS camera yesterday in North Jersey. If anyone finds it please do mail me at [email protected]. Your help will be appreciated.
Posted by: Preethy Subramanian | December 08, 2008 at 09:49 AM
I lost my Pansonic DMC TZ4 camera in Eindhoven. It may have fallen out in a taxi on route to a company called DHV. It has photos of Amsterdam on it. Any help would be much appriciated.
[email protected]
Posted by: Ben | December 11, 2008 at 07:57 AM
Left Silver Canon powershot camera in blue three seater cab in downtown dallas on new years eve. Please call if found
Posted by: Donna M | January 05, 2009 at 06:10 PM
I lost my silver Canon Camera(Sd870IS)in San Jose at the Mall parking lot.It was a gift from someone who i lost.I really appreciated if I get my Camera back please. [email protected]
Posted by: Angel | January 11, 2009 at 10:01 PM
Bought an Olympus camera off of ebay. Pics on sd type card lead me to believe it was lost or stolen prior to being sold. Please identify camera type and or pics on card. would love to send this card home to the owner.I'm betting shes missing it.please contact me @ [email protected]
Posted by: cheryl | February 05, 2009 at 05:01 PM
Lost 1 "Canon PowerShot SD880IS 10MP Digital Camera with 4x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom (Silver)
My Christmas present from my husband. It has Christmas pictures of the first Christmas spent with our youngest son and his family. Also it is our vacation to Guanujuato and San Miguel in Mexico. I think I left it on a table in the jardin in San Miguel. Thanks in advance
Posted by: Sandra White | March 09, 2009 at 01:12 PM
On February 25th, i lost my Black Sony Camera, which was attached and inside of my pink magnetic case between the CDG airport, Terminal 1, gate 11-12 or even on my flight EI 521 to Dublin (1020am-1105am) between seats 10A-C & 8A-C. If you have found it please please can you return it to me. Or even so, please do the right thing and send me my memory stick that contains all my pictures from my first time in Europe. I would really appreciate it.
Please please please do the right thing.
Thank you for your time.
Posted by: Shanna | March 13, 2009 at 07:26 PM
I have lost my black FujiFilm camera in dubain August 2008. I may have left it in taxi. it has many photos including my passport photo. i just want sd card, you may keep camera. Reward if returned. Please get in touch
[email protected]
Posted by: karim | March 16, 2009 at 06:47 AM
I lost my husband's camera at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo on Friday, April 3 2009. The lost item is a Canon Powershot SD870 IS Digital Elph - 8.0 Megapixel. the last three #'s of the serial # are XXXXXXX156. It was inside a soft fabric black Canon camera case. The camera contains a 4GB SD card - that has approximately 60 pictures mostly of the Zoo, and some mother/baby pictures as well. I really would prefer the SD Card back, and could care less about the camera. Please return the pictures if found!!!!! Thanks.
Posted by: April | April 05, 2009 at 03:32 PM
I lost my black Nikon Coolpix S560 camera contains a 4GB SD card in green color case, it is brand new i just brought before my trip to Las Angels, SanDiego and Las Vegas.
Camera has lot of my son's pictures at Disney and Zoo...I lost camera on my first day of Vegas has lot of pictures of mickey and Disney of my sons first time...i don't think , i can go to Disney in near future...
I would appreciate it if the person who found it would return it to me.
Thank You
Posted by: s | June 03, 2009 at 11:44 PM
I lost a Pink sony cybershot 10.1 megapixel camera at either Dansen by Jansen or Cafe Getaway, two diff pubs in Amsterdamn, or somewhere in between, about a week ago and am only hoping to retrieve the memory card that has pictures of my first romp through Europe in the last month. Please let me know if anyone has seen it! Thanks!
[email protected]
Posted by: Monica | June 22, 2009 at 10:49 AM
I lost my Kodak digital camera on a recent (June 2009) vacation trip to DC with the grandkids. 4 kids ages 5,6,7,and 8. We saw the Zoo and two of the Smithsonians as well as pics of White House and Washington Monument. Also on the card were pics from a baby shower we had for a friend (at the bowling alley) If you found it, please post the pics so we can reflect longer than our minds can remember.
Posted by: JoAnn Daughtry | June 23, 2009 at 01:10 PM
Lost Panasonic Lumix TZ15/TZ5 on bike track near Sopot beach below aquapark. It was near some unfinished building work of the track where we fell off bikes on way home after too much Polish Vodka.
We would love to get the photos back of our Sushi Dinner & Tracy Chapman concert.
Hopefully an honest early runner or biker would of picked it up the morning of 6th July.
We will happily pay a reward of €150 (600PLN Zloty) for camera & sd card.
€10 (40PLN Zloty) for photos to be emailed through to us.
We would really love to get the photos back so please please get in touch if you are reading this.
Macca & Pip
New Zealanders on tour in Poland
[email protected]
Posted by: Andrew Mckenzie | July 12, 2009 at 09:27 AM
Lost my Canon PowerShot A720, in NICE 13 COURS SALEYA - 06300 on July 3rd 2009 around one of the restaurants there. Contains Paris and Nice Pictures.
Reward will be given. I just want to recover our photos. They mean a lot to me! Please help!
[email protected]
Posted by: Paulette | July 17, 2009 at 08:15 PM
I lost my camera at Penny Lane in san marcos,ca sunday night for my 25th birthday, shared with out of town friends. Tons of pictures were taken that night and the night before of my post graduate dinner party.Please, please if you have found it, i would be eternally grateful. It is black with scratches on the sliding cover for the lens-Pentax is the model. THANK you, again :)
[email protected]
Posted by: Farrah Bagheri | September 08, 2009 at 10:24 PM
i ve lost my nikon coolpix L5 camara at schipol airport amsterdam holland on 28 july 2009 at checkin counter, it has all my family pictures taken in brussels (grand place, on wind mill at Essen-wildert, efteling park netherland and so many precious memory picture of my little daughter trip to europe. i have no care aout camera return, but only the sd memory card or someone found it just send me pictures in email. thanks
Posted by: suhail asim | September 17, 2009 at 02:09 PM
My friend and I from Thailand have travelled in Turkey and Greece. We lost our white sony digital camera with the touch screen system and slide on-off on October 5, 2009 on the metro train from Athens' airport to the city. We thought that someone may steel our camera while we were rushing to get off the train at Syntagma Station. There are lots of pictures from our trips in Turkey, Myanmar, India, Austria, Getmany, Czech Republic and Russia and we only would like to get back our photos. Please anybody if you find my camera, we only need the photos back. Please contact us if you find it. "[email protected]" Thanks everybody...from Sompong Saetang
Posted by: Mr.Sompong Saetang | October 12, 2009 at 12:41 PM
LOST Canon PowerShot SD780 IS black in RED case w/velcro strap
10/22/09 on United Airlines Flight 150, San Francisco (SFO) to O'Hare (ORD). Arrived 11:43 PM
Engagement photos from San Francisco, Napa, St. Helena on camera. Please contact me if you have it, reward for photos, you can keep the camera!!! [email protected]
Posted by: J.T. Charles | November 10, 2009 at 02:08 PM
I lost my videocamera in San Francisco, november 17th 2009, have images from our hollidays and my daughter's school.
Reward will be given.
Posted by: Justino | December 02, 2009 at 08:22 PM
We have taken such beautiful and funny pictures of our trip around FLORIDA by a rented motorhome of CRUISE AMERICA with our three children. Now we are very very sad, because we have forgot our Sony Compact camera in a black case in the seat pocket during our flight with Delta from Miami to Atlanta on January 6, 2010. We would be very very happy to get back just the memory stick. Please help us to find our photos.
Posted by: Wirth Christoph & Jolanda | January 21, 2010 at 12:17 PM
Hello! Please help us - we have taken such beautiful and funny pictures on our trip around FLORIDA by a rented motorhome of CRUISE AMERICA with our three children(Everglades, Seeworld, Key West etc.) Now we are very sad because we have left our black Sony compact camera in a black case in the seat pocket during our flight with DELTA from Miami to Atlanta on January 6, 2010. We give you USD 100.-- for the memory stick or the pictures. Please help us to find our photos. Thank you!
Posted by: Wirth Christoph & Jolanda | January 26, 2010 at 05:13 AM
On February 25th, i lost my Black Sony Camera, which was attached and inside of my pink magnetic case between the CDG airport, Terminal 1, gate 11-12 or even on my flight EI 521 to Dublin (1020am-1105am) between seats 10A-C & 8A-C. If you have found it please please can you return it to me. Or even so, please do the right thing and send me my memory stick that contains all my pictures from my first time in Europe. I would really appreciate it. Reward if returned =)
Please please please do the right thing.
Thank you for your time.
[email protected]
Posted by: Shanna | February 18, 2010 at 12:55 AM
I lost a blue Sony cybershot in a black bag on an airtran fligh from Tampa to Pittsburgh on 2/20/10. Don't care about getting the camera back just want the pictures of my kids. There is a cash reward. Please contact me [email protected]
Posted by: Kerry | February 21, 2010 at 04:52 PM
I lost my old sony memory card ( the rectangular in shape model , like chewing gum ) I lost it january 23 at the main Sturbucks store next to the entrance to the Canterbury cathedral in Canterbury England. I was with friends downloading photos from our memories at one of the sofas and lost mine. It contains all my pictures from my visit to Canterbury, London and Brighton.
If you found it please send me a mail . I'm in Chile but I can contact some people in Canterbury
[email protected]
Posted by: Pablo Abarca S. | February 21, 2010 at 11:05 PM
I lost my Sony Digtal Cybershot in Vancouver around Feb 19/2010 during the Olympic Games. The photos are mostly of me in Olympic touristy places. I have a CTV jacket on in some and I am with Donald Sutherland is in one of the photos. I have long dark brown hair.
Posted by: Susan Auch | March 02, 2010 at 11:15 PM
My father was a passenger on Eva Airlines flight # BR 17 on 04/07/2010.
My father went to my grandmother's funeral in Vietnam.
These are my family's last photos of my Grandma.
If anyone finds the camera, no questions ask, please return the camera or at least the camera's memory stick to Jessica at [email protected].
Thank you,
Posted by: Jessica | April 08, 2010 at 01:22 PM
Me and my mum lost our dark pink Nikon CoolPix camera ,with 4GB memory card inside, at Kusadasi Port in Turkey. Pictures of our whole trip in Greece and Turkey are in that camera.
We just need our photos back. Please contact me if you have it. It would mean a lot to us. And reward will be given.
[email protected]
Posted by: Kira | April 28, 2010 at 11:47 AM
I lost my digital camera in Osaka Japon in a bus from estudios universal to Hyatt Regency Osaka hotel on 22th april 2010 I had personal photos to my baby and of this travel PLEASE I only want my memory stick.
Thanks a lot
[email protected]
Posted by: raquel | May 04, 2010 at 05:34 PM
Hello Web 2.0 attendee. I found your camera a block from the convention center. If you leave me a detailed description of the camera, we can make arrangements for its safe return.
Posted by: lola | May 04, 2010 at 10:36 PM
I've lost my Panasonic Lumix camera on Atlanta Airport on May, 25th, 2010. It was inside a Coca-Cola world plastic bag wit 2 souvenirs also.
I want only the pictures and videos. Please contact me at [email protected]
Posted by: Isaias | May 28, 2010 at 02:20 PM
i lost my black exilim casio digital camera at a pool in Makaha, Hawaii im sad. i put my name and home phone # but its been weeks.
Posted by: kalia | May 29, 2010 at 05:17 AM
i ve lost my nikon coolpix L5 camara at schipol airport amsterdam holland on 28 july 2009 at checkin counter, it has all my family pictures taken in brussels (grand place, on wind mill at Essen-wildert, efteling park netherland and so many precious memory picture of my little daughter trip to europe. i have no care aout camera return, but only the sd memory card or someone found it just send me pictures in email. thanks /reward will given to such effort.
[email protected]
Posted by: suhail asim | June 03, 2010 at 03:10 PM
I lost my SILVER NIKON COOLPIX Camera in Brugges, Belgium.
I just want my memory card back.
Please contact me so we can make arrangements. Those pictures are priceless :(
Thanks so much!
email address:
soccy003 at
Posted by: sham | June 04, 2010 at 07:25 PM
Unfortunately, I lost my Canon Legria FS200 somewhere in London while travelling back from Middlesbrough Festival this June 2010. There's footage of a gig I played on it as I put the camera on my amp, as well as me goofing around in London after midnight. If you know anything about it, please contact me ([email protected]). Thx.
Posted by: Dave | June 21, 2010 at 11:45 AM
I lost my blue panasonic Lumix camera in Vienna/Bratislava on the 19th of June 2010. All I want is the photos, so if this camera has been found, please just send me the photos. You are welcome to keep the camera as a reward. There are mostly pictures of two girls on it, and pictures from London, Edinburgh, and Vienna.
[email protected]
Posted by: Lianna | June 29, 2010 at 12:15 PM
I lost my Olympus Pen-2 probably in a cab in berlin... it has a very old fashion flash with it! please contact me if you find it
[email protected]
Posted by: Diana | August 04, 2010 at 09:49 AM
Found sony camera on interstate onramp exit 158 on i-10 East in florida.
Posted by: A M | August 04, 2010 at 11:29 PM
I lost my black camera in August 2010 in Bristol in the Asda carpark. I'm not bothered about the camera just the memory card. It's got pictures of a 40th Birtherday Party (Fancy dress) . Could you post it to 8 Rowan Rise, Barnton, Northwich, Cheshire, CW8 4NZ
Posted by: Natalie Lucas | September 08, 2010 at 08:29 AM
My Pentax Optio S5z digital camera slipped out of my hands while taking photos off a bridge over the Swift River in the White Mountains of New Hampshire on Sept. 28, 2010. I would certainly appreciate getting the memory card back.
Posted by: Barbara Lindberg | October 05, 2010 at 07:01 PM
"Lost Pink Sony Cyber Shot camera on the Wolf River in Shawano, WI . Contains a lot of camping and rafting pictures from our very first rafting trip. Would just like the memory card back, please. I bought a new camera since, but I am still offering a Reward if returned.."
Posted by: Brenda Stelter | October 08, 2010 at 12:09 PM
I lost a sony cyber shot camera at a Cattlesman restaurant in texas. It has over 2000 pictures. I really don't care much for the camera it self but the memory card is what matters. It has very special memories from my children. If found please contact me at [email protected] A reward is being offered
Posted by: RAchel | November 13, 2010 at 09:08 PM
Lost my Samsung ES25 in the bathroom of Eindhoven airport's luggage pickup room. I dont care so much about the camera itself but Id really like to get my photos from the trip to Barcelona I was just coming back from... If you feel like being charitable please give me an email at [email protected] or just a link with the address of where you uploaded the photos. Thanks you
Posted by: Diana | December 06, 2010 at 08:13 AM
I found a Nikon Coolpix camera in Berlin in November. Have you lost this and if you can discribe any of the images or lokations on the pictures I will give it back to you.
Posted by: Honest guy | December 12, 2010 at 11:53 AM
I lost my sony digital camera near rialto bridge in venice on 1st january 2011.Please i just want my memory card back. thanks [email protected]
Posted by: DARREN | January 04, 2011 at 03:32 PM
I found a Canon SX120 IS digital camera in a blue case with strap at the Homestead General Store in Upper Black Eddy,PA sometime in the fall of 2010...if the pet names RUCA and POCO ring a bell to anyone,please e-mail me.I'm sure you can tell me the trip you took so many photos of.The man is wearing a Penn State hooded jersey in a few photos.Identify certain pics and i'll do my best to re-unite with owners.
Posted by: Steve Eddy | January 04, 2011 at 10:45 PM
Lost my pink sony cybershot at Seaworld Orlando new years eve (2010). It has pictures a lot of pictures of my 2 year old having a good time while on vacation. I don't care about the camera. I just want the memory card back.
Posted by: Jenny C. | January 08, 2011 at 12:27 AM
Still sad about losing all my beautiful photos of our 2 week holiday to London and Bermuda with our young family- for our 15th wedding anniversary, my husband's 40th, my youngest daughter's birthday and our mileston return after 5 years to Bermuda where we once lived... Many memories of our family and friends... Lost we believe after night flight on BA at Gatwick London in May 2009... It's a long shot but you never know! If the memory card recovered please post here! Thanks.
Posted by: TLK | March 10, 2011 at 12:08 PM
I found a Panasonic Lumix digital camera on Jan 4, 2011 in Versailles, France. The owner my be of German descent becasue the menus were in German. A young man wearing a Hamburger 9v shirt is in one of the pictures. Please contact me. I have tried for 3 months to find the owner.
Posted by: John Gatrell | March 19, 2011 at 11:50 PM
I lost my camera in Budapest-HUNGARY in 21 June 2010. I think Keleti Metro Station while going to bus terminal. It's Fujıfilm Fine pix J10, grey colour and has a black bag. Please help me I had a euro trip in that time and all my travel pictures are in it. I just want only my pictures ( memory card ) they are very important and valuable for me. if anyone find it please share on internet and contact me. please help mee =((
Posted by: naiad | March 31, 2011 at 05:13 PM
I lost my foto camera Nikon coolpix S8000 in Wien-Austria on 01st of may 2011. There is a lot of pictures of my children made on this tour, most pictures are from Shonbrun castle. Please, I will be very happy if you send me only pictures. Thanks in advance! [email protected]
Posted by: Vesna Boskovic-Novi Sad | May 04, 2011 at 03:16 PM
i lost my fotocamera Nikon Coolpix 8000 in Vienna. It was in blask small bag. On the camera was pictures from Senbrun palace. on the pictures is my children. please sent me only pictures. [email protected]
Posted by: Vesna Boskovic-Novi Sad | May 06, 2011 at 11:18 AM
Lost our olympus and cannon cameras in Cancun Mexico at the end of Feb beginning March. My husband and I were on vacation with my parents and our three young children. Daughter 7 and sons 5 and 3. Lots of pictures lost of our first trip to Mexico..losts of family pics and first time for our kids for snorkeling and jumping off small cliffs at Xel-Ha. Wonderful trip and only our memories remain. Really dissapointed we have no pictures to show our little ones when they get older..
Posted by: Rosalie Daoust | June 15, 2011 at 11:07 PM
I left my nikon D 700 on a train going to palace versal in europe i really would like it back its everything to me
Posted by: margret vicario | July 11, 2011 at 04:52 PM
I lost a memory card (micro SD 4 GB) in london. It contain a lot of pictures in london with me and a friend. I lost it in the zone of regent parks, baker street, maddame tusaudds, king cross, british musseum or oxford street. If you find it pleas contact to me. Thank you
Posted by: Lucia | August 20, 2011 at 01:05 PM
Lost 4GB gray and white Sandisk SD card with our honeymoon pics. K on back of card in pink marker. We were on Royal Caribbean's The Explorer of the Seas Feb 6, 2011 Southern Caribbean cruise. Possibly left in the safe of cabin JS 7692 . Generous reward for the return of card or even just the pics!
Posted by: Karen | August 26, 2011 at 04:45 PM
I lost my camara Olympus in Osaka (Japan) the day 10 August 2011. There is a lot of pictures of my boy friend amb me made on this tour. Please, I will be very happy if you send me only pictures. Thanks in advance!
[email protected]
Posted by: judith | August 29, 2011 at 12:42 PM
I lost a Sony camera in Paris on August 27. I lost it in the Opera district or between Grands Boulevards metro station and Gare du Nord station. It has a number of photos of my travels around France, including the Pont du Gard, Monaco, Nice, French Riviera, Lyon, Annecy and sites around Paris. The photos are all I want. Thanks
Posted by: Ricardo Pintor | August 30, 2011 at 05:41 AM
I lost my Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 14.1 megapixels (darkgreen coloured inside a green cover) in Wien in the metro (U4) in the 14th August. It had pictures from Berlin, Dresden, Prague and Wien. The first picture shows several Hard Rock Cafe T-shirts. It had more than 600 photos. As other people, I just want the pictures. If you found it, please send me a messago to [email protected].
Thank you in advance.
Posted by: Heaxts | August 30, 2011 at 12:51 PM
hi i lost a 4gb sd card at holton services on the e30 in holland on my way back from germany to amsterdam they are photo of whitley bay lighthouse in england and photo oh dino park in germany with my children if found please send email to [email protected]
thank you for your time
terry england
Posted by: [email protected] | September 03, 2011 at 10:21 AM
Posted by: PAM BANCROFT | September 06, 2011 at 12:42 AM
I lost a silver digital Canon Powershot SD1200 IS camera at the Convention Center (Open) Parking lot during the October 9, 2011 Long Beach Marathon/Bike Tour. The camera was in a black leather case and had an 8GB SD card with all our family photos, which are sentimental and irreplaceable. My daughter's Fun Run bib (number 757) and my husband and my Bike Tour bibs (numbers 22458 and 22459) are captured in some of the later photos. Reward will be provided for the return of the SD card, with no questions asked. We just want our photos back and it breaks my heart that I've lost some of my daughter's milestone photos. If found, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thank you. - Jessica
Posted by: Jessica | October 10, 2011 at 07:40 PM
Regarding my 7:40 post above, the camera I lost was a silver digital Canon Powershot SD1300 IS, and not the SD1200 IS camera. Thank you.
Posted by: Jessica | October 11, 2011 at 02:32 AM
My husband lost our Sony Cypershot digital camera at Dillon Beach on October 11, 2011. I hope whoever finds it will be able to return the photo card with our family vacation photos. The camera can be replaced, but not the photos. If found, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks.
Posted by: debbie woliver | October 16, 2011 at 12:59 PM
I lost a digital camera Canon 7D in a train going to the Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam) or may be in airport, on Monday 7th November 2011. Around 5pm. The camera was in a black bag and had an 8GB card with all our family photos. In a bag there was an inflatable pillow and user manual. I hope whoever finds it will be able to return the photo card with our family vacation photos. If found, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks.
Posted by: Zhenya Makarova | November 09, 2011 at 04:24 AM
I am 30 years old Filipina from the Philippines and now living in the United States. And my husband 56 years of his American and we both live in Ogden Utah USA. We travel to Egypt recently and take lot of pictures and we lost our memory card in Paris this Nov. 15 or 16, 2011.
We lost an SD memory card 2.0 GB blue sd and has plastic casing of the SD. Full of images of our 3 week trip to Egypt Paris.It has a short video of my husband giving short speech on his mother's funeral day.
He thinks he lost somewhere on our way in the subway while taking out our ticket from his wallet and fall from the metro train to St Michael notre dame and again we transfer to another subway to see the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triophe and the Champs-Elysées. We stayed at 17 rue Albert Mattree France.
Then we made a short walk in the shopping district near the Arc de triophe and went to McDonalds and then decided to return to our condo to get ready for the flight back to USA.We lost the SD Memory Card around -15 in November, from 9 to 12 16.2011.
I am hopin someone will read this and find us any information you provide will be greatly appreciated Thank you and God bless to all. i have a facebook account looking for lost Sd in Paris .
My name is Grace Bohman
[email protected]
Posted by: grace | December 09, 2011 at 02:07 PM
Dear Sir / Madam,
Help We lost a SD card 2.0 gb in a plastic lid case cover in Paris last month Nov.15 or 16,2011. Between 9-12 noon and it fallout from the wallet when he try to get our train ticket from ( RER- B) Saint Michel- Notre Dame(Metro4), Musee' de Orsay( metro12), Invalades( metro13), Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel. And from Eiffel we transfer to another train to take us to Champ elysses to see the Arc de Tr...iomphe. And when were done we catch a train from champ elysses to go back to Musee Orsay train station and transfer to Saint michel our last stop for our last day in Paris.
It hurts when you lost a sd card i rather lost a camera without the sd. Our SD card have many picture from our Trip from Egypt( From ancient temples, cairo museum,hurghada beach resort and the desert tour and camel rides etc.,Paris louve and most of all we have short video of my husband giving speech to his mothers funeral day and thats the only video we have that day. I am filipina asian from Philippines and my husband is american we are from Utah . I am hopin someone will return it. Godbless to all and happy holidays. Thanks. I have a facebook account too in lost sd card in paris .
If found kindly please send me even short message to my email address:
Respectfully Your's
Grazhia VB
[email protected]
Posted by: grace | December 10, 2011 at 06:30 PM
All, my husband lost our Fujifilm F300EXR Digital Camera at SeaWorld Orlando on Wednesday, December 28th... late at night in the parking lot. You can keep the camera, I just need/want the 8GB card that was in it. It has important pictures of our daughter's first Christmas. If you have it, please email [email protected]
Thank you.
Posted by: R. A. | January 09, 2012 at 11:58 PM
I found a camera that washed up on the beach in Cancun, Mexico. Would love to return it to owner if it could be identified by date, camera
name & photos taken.
Posted by: L. Rone | February 22, 2012 at 03:39 PM
3-10-12 Fish House Vera Cruz, San Marcos, CA. Lost-Orange Canon Powershot Camera. We left the camera under the table, but the restraunt says they never found a camera. The camera has pictures of a Daddy Daughter Dance at South O Elementary. My husband has a mohawk in the pictures on the camera. If anyone has ANY information regarding the camera, we would be eternally thankful.
Posted by: Andrea Rein | March 19, 2012 at 09:00 PM