Read about the lost camera in the comment section HERE.
"Hello, I lost a cannon SD630 in Rum Jungle Restaurant and night club in Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas May 2nd. If anyone has found it , please email me the pictures, I would really be ever so thankful and appreciative. Thankyou!!!"
Lost a sliver Nikon Coolpix in downtown Chicago on 8/15. Please email photos or contact me.
Posted by: Michelle | August 18, 2009 at 02:38 PM
I left my Canon PowerShot SD1200 IS (blue/gray) digital camera in an SUV cab going from Imperial Palace to the airport at 3PM Sunday Oct 4th. The camera was in a black carrying case that also held a white battery charger. The driver was a younger male middle eastern /or/ Indian about 5 11 tall and about 190 lbs. There is a big REWARD for the camera. Please email me at [email protected] THANK YOU!
Posted by: Marcin | October 05, 2009 at 02:14 PM
I hope you'll find it. i lost also a 1000$ camera at the Mirage once and i luckly find it.
Posted by: Las Vegas Hotel | November 01, 2009 at 08:11 AM
Hi, I lost my digital photo camera a black Sony DSC-T700 along with its rechargable battery and a 8Gb memory card yesterday - Wednesday (Jan 27,2010 - some minutes before 10:00 am) at the Rocky Statue next to the Art Museum in Philadelphia, PA I am almost sure that what happened was that it fell down from my left coat's "shallow" pocket. I am extremely sad not only because of the camera but mainly because of the important pictures I had in there. Among a lot of them there were pictures of my mother who came to the US from Brazil to visit me over the Christmas past year (from Dec 11 to Dec 27). I just want the pictures (any way it is fine for me: the memory card, in a cd , by email, picasa...) althought I do not have another camera but those pictures are really priceless and I am very sad because I have not downloaded the pictures yet. God bless the person who found it and returns the camera or only the pictures to me. I will be very thankfull, more than happy and give a reward to the person who gives it back to me. Thank you so much!!!
Posted by: Carolina Koch C. Souza | January 28, 2010 at 11:37 AM
I lost my silver Olympus camera at the fetish and fantasy ball last night at the hardrock (I left it in the bathroom). If you found it I am offering a reward. Please return it! There are so many priceless memories on it. Thank you
[email protected]
Posted by: Ana | October 31, 2010 at 11:56 PM
Lost my Panasonic Lumix Camera on Sunday 01 July 2011 in the PBR bar just outside Planet Hollywood hotel, Las Vegas. If you have found the cam or a memory card with pictures of UFC and 3 men and a yellow duck please get in touch
Posted by: Paul | July 05, 2011 at 08:52 PM
I lost my camera, a Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ-100 in a Taxi in Las Vegas. We started the Taxi Trip at the 23 of september 5:30 pm at Residence Inn Marriott at Hughes Center. The Taxi ring us to the Planet Hollywood Hotel. The trip lasted 10 minutes. On the chip are all my holiday pictures. Over 200 pictures from the Grand Canyon. I offer a reward for the chip. Please do not hesitate to contact me! Thanks a lot
[email protected]
Posted by: Uwe Lawatsch | September 24, 2011 at 12:22 PM