, created recently (the archive goes back to April 2009), is very funny. They take submitted family photos (awkward family photos, you know the kind) and post the photos on the blog. I haven't looked close enough to figure out if these are lost-and-found photographs or people submitting their own photographs.
There are two things I want to point out. 1. Awkwardfamilyphotos offers a detailed DMCA agreement. They write: " respects the intellectual property of others and expect the users of our Website to do the same." And #2. They do not accept the following:
"***Any comments that are offensive to the point of being viciously
personal, racist, homophobic, exceedingly profane, violent or too
graphic in nature won't be posted. We want to keep this site a friendly
place to be awkward. Thanks!***"
This is unique. More on this later. I think I write "more on this later too often." But I will say these photos need NO comments.
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